Field at sunset


Field at sunset


We care

Responsible driver is a responsible company that takes responsibility for the environment, society, and employees. We comply with all environmental regulations and continuously work to improve our environmental efforts with the aim of being a leader in our industry.

We care

Responsible driver is a responsible company that takes responsibility for the environment, society, and employees. We comply with all environmental regulations and continuously work to improve our environmental efforts with the aim of being a leader in our industry.

We care

Responsible driver is a responsible company that takes responsibility for the environment, society, and employees. We comply with all environmental regulations and continuously work to improve our environmental efforts with the aim of being a leader in our industry.

Action plan

Procano has been environmentally certified since 2010 We will: - Sort waste - Consider the external environment when assessing new products - Return and recycle our and our customers' electronic waste - Be conscious of energy usage - Set environmental requirements for suppliers - Our data centers are ISO 14001 certified - Strengthen environmental awareness among employees

Action plan

Procano has been environmentally certified since 2010 We will: - Sort waste - Consider the external environment when assessing new products - Return and recycle our and our customers' electronic waste - Be conscious of energy usage - Set environmental requirements for suppliers - Our data centers are ISO 14001 certified - Strengthen environmental awareness among employees

Our sustainability goals

All UN sustainable development goals are important to improve society. We at Procano cannot address all 17 goals, but we will prioritize the most relevant ones for our industry.

Our sustainability goals

All UN sustainable development goals are important to improve society. We at Procano cannot address all 17 goals, but we will prioritize the most relevant ones for our industry.

selected UN sustainable development goals
selected UN sustainable development goals

Customers that inspire

Procano wants input for our climate and environmental work

Part of the Miljøfyrtårn certification involves the interaction between business and society. Therefore, customers, partners, and other stakeholders are invited to provide input on how the climate and environmental impact of our products/services can be improved. The inputs give us valuable insight into the needs and expectations you have for Procano in the years to come.

We look forward to working together to create a more sustainable society,

Happy IT expert
Happy IT expert

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Happy IT expert

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Happy IT expert

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